Men's Breakfast

  • Saturday 8:30AM - 10:30AM

Our Men's Breakfast take place on the
Third Saturday of each month at 8.30am. (Except January)
Cost $5 per person.
Contact: Rodney:  Mobile: 0428 880 081    

A great opportunity for men to get together once a month to enjoy each other's company over a delicious, cooked breakfast.
Everyone is welcome. So come whether you attend our church, or not; whether you are lonely, or not; whether you are married, or not. Come whether you want support, or can give support; to talk, or listen. Come just to be there. Tell your dad, son, brother, uncle, neighbour, grandson. We look forward to meeting and getting to know you.




Kincumber Uniting Church

152 Avoca Drv Kincumber 2251

corner of Killuna Road & Avoca Drive Kincumber