Pastoral Care.


Are you seeking comfort during a time of grief or need a shoulder to lean on?  Spirituality is the part of us that seeks to find meaning, purpose and connection in life.


We can offer spiritual care by nurturing the spirit within each person. Pastoral conversations that offer spiritual and emotional support at a time of grief, anxiety and upheaval can alleviate feelings of distress and sorrow.


We are available to give time, to comfort you, to listen to you and to help you find strength as you adjust to a new challenge or a new situation. Sometimes a listening ear is enough to see a trouble halved.


As the Good Shepherd, Jesus watches over, leads, guides, cares for, feeds, comforts, and guards and protects the flock. We are His sheep, and He tenderly ensures that we are provided for, so that our relationship with Him remains intact. All we need do is simply trust and believe in Him with loving, humble and obedient hearts.


Please feel welcome to contact Rev Frank Van Der Korput for  Pastoral Care on 0480 367 853